In a shocking development actor Meenas husband Vidyasagar passed away earlier today. By HT Entertainment Desk. Let S Pay Our Utmost Respects To One Of The Greatest Educators Of India Throwbackthursday Education Vidyasagar Education Women Education Indian Education She got married to Vidyasagar in a traditional ceremony in 2009. . Actress Meena Husband Vidyasagar was born in Andhra Pradesh India thats why he holds an Indian Nationality. 26 September 1820 29 July 1891 born Ishwar Chandra Bandyopadhyay was an Indian educator and social reformer of the nineteenth century. My deepest and heartfelt condolences to. According to media reports Vidyasagar was undergoing treatment for COVID-19 in a private hospital. And they have a daughter Nainika. He also rationalised and simplified the Bengali alphabet and type which had. He was admitted to a private hospital in Chennai for the last few months and was being treate...